To create a service:

  • Go to CRM > Services from the left sidebar menu
  • Click on New Service at the top right
  • Fill out the details of the service.
  • Add a name, and description.
  • Indicate if the service is active.
  • Upload an image for the service
  • Set the duration of the service. This is useful if you will be reserving appointments with new bookings. Indicate if the service is a class, and the maximum amount of people that can book the class
  • Indicate if you want to allow multiple appointments per time slot.
  • Indicate if you will be collecting One-time or Recurring payments for the service. If you will be collecting one-time payments, enter a price.
  • You can leave it at One time payments and set the price to $0 if you do not wish to collect payments.
  • You can also add service extras/add-ons that the user will be able to choose from while booking. The client will have the option to choose Service Extras only if the service is collecting one-time payments.
  • The service will now be created and you will be redirected to the service detail page.